Sample Applications

Automated Tig Welding (2015-Present)

A prototype machine has been built and tested. A production version is in the final stages of completion. Within pre-determined limits, the automation can identify arbitrary shapes, compensate for alignment issues, gaps, and heat requirements. This system includes several novel techniques to improve the repeatability and resulting quality of the weld.


Mersen Canada (2012-2016)

Process issues with swagged heat plates were investigated. Several improvements were proposed including adding compliance to the swagging process. In cooperation with McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute, a “compliance wheel” has been developed, and is presently being tested for endurance. The new design has reduced swagging operations required to typically two passes, from often over 20.


Hydrofoil Development (2009 – present)

A small prototype and a larger 20 passenger model of hydrofoil have been developed. These have tested both conventional and canard configurations. An approximately 70% reduction in fuel consumption at cruise speed has been achieved. Cruise speed with railway like comfort can be maintained in significantly more challenging sea conditions than a conventional boat. This boat is presently being considered by both the Canadian Coast Guard, and RCMP as a patrol vessel. Service as a passenger vessel is now being investigated.


Mold-Masters Limited (2005-2008)

Two heater core wrapping machines, an initial prototype, and a second improved version have been made. The prototype was retired in the summer of 2014. The second machine has typically been used 2 shifts a day, 6 days a week, for over 6 years. It has 13 axes of simultaneous control. It has a vision system which is used to for self programming based on the features of the part. This machine uses a novel process which results in approximately 90% fewer failures of the product, more flexibility in part design, the virtual elimination of tool wear, and associated production and maintenance costs.


Patterson Industries (2006-2007)

Two projects were performed to retrofit an expert only controller, and a second to develop a user friendly control system for a novel road recycler. The original Allen Bradley PLC had proved incapable of maintaining control over the 1500 IO points, and approximately 100 control loops, rendering the machine inoperable in the best case. The expert only controller demonstrated the capabilities of the machine. A second larger project was performed to develop a proper user interface.


Word Wide Kiln Services (2004, 2008)

CNC grinding and milling systems for kiln trunnions, and wheels were developed. These processes are performed while the kiln is operating, kilns can be over 200 ft long, and over 20 ft in diameter. The machine operates in harsh environments. (hot, cold, wet, dust)

United Springs Limited (2005)

A unique method of manufacturing captured end coil springs was developed. This customer has decided to keep this process a trade secret.


Spanbaum Wood Carving

Spanbaum are a traditional German Christmas item. Product information can be seen at Wood is a variable material and requires a process that adjusts accordingly. The first automation capable of making spanbaum was developed. The equipment developed included an automatic lathe and branch shaping machine. The branch shaping machine has five machine axes, and three loader axes. It uses force feedback, and two camera vision feedback (60 half frames per second each), vibration assisted machining, and novel tooling.